~by Br. ChiSing
Begin anew…
It has been a long time since last we spoke.
It does not need to be so long.
In every moment
the here and now--
the eternal and timeless--
is always present.
It does not take a special feat
to touch the here and now.
You only need to awaken to
this very breath, this very step.
In just one moment of mindfulness,
everything is made new,
moment to moment.
Enlightenment, peace, wisdom, joy--
these are only a breath away,
one step away.
But the question is:
Are you really there, my dear?
Are you really there in your breath, in your step?
Or are you only daydreaming, sleepwalking?
Whatever you think you've done wrong,
whatever penance you believe you must perform
before you awaken,
I invite you now to let that go.
Let there be a moment of awakening,
let there be several moments of awakening,
every time you rest into this Great Reality,
your True Self.
And as you begin to rest in your true vastness,
a healing takes place
organically and naturally--
forgiveness takes place,
reconciliation takes place--
In the eternal and timeless
here and now,
you can always begin anew.
You can always find refreshment and rejuvenation
for your earthly body and human mind
as you awaken to
your Universal body and Divine mind.
you can do it.
It is your birthless birthright.
It is your deathless inheritance.
So, my beloved,
can you drop the story,
drop the delusions?
Can you let go of
self-hate, shame and unworthiness?
Are you willing to relax your hold
on control and manipulation?
Are you willing to loosen your grasp
on false securities from false fears?
It only takes one breath,
one step,
in mindfulness,
my dear.
In just one moment of enlightenment,
you can awaken from the illusions of time,
pressure, guilt, failure and regret.
You can awaken to
the eternal and timeless
here and now--
to peace and love and wisdom,
to strength and true joy and true beauty,
to the Ultimate dimension of all things--
the Divine All in all:
You can do it…