Wow! its been long since I wrote. Well, all this while I'd been wracking my brain trying to figure out something to write about. Not cause there was a dearth of interesting things in my life, but there were so many I couldn't get my thoughts together on them...So yeh, finally I got really excited about something and figured it would make for the perfect blog post.....
OK, so its the first semester at UTD and my roomies and me go sleeping bag shopping. It should be known, when your a student the concept of a bed seems pretty fancy :). So yeh, while everyone else were just looking for something comfortable to sleep on, I had to have my preferences.
"And what were those preferences?", you might ask. It had to, just had to, have some picture of a cartoon on it.
At the time I was under the influence of the pixar animated movie Cars......and what do you know, right enough I spotted a sleeping bag that was a part Cars movie merchandise. My excitement knew no bounds, I had to buy it and I did. The entire journey back home I couldn't help but pride myself about my sleeping bag being really cool in comparison to those that my roomies had bought and I did tease them about it. The bubble burst once I got home and opened the packing the sleeping bag was in, only to find that it was the kids size. Darn it!!! Everyone had a good laugh, while I was trying to keep a straight face, like it was alright and I was still excited about it being "The Lightning Mcqueen" sleeping bag. Deep down in my heart, I was cursing myself for not having read the specifications on the packing.
"And what were those preferences?", you might ask. It had to, just had to, have some picture of a cartoon on it.
At the time I was under the influence of the pixar animated movie Cars......and what do you know, right enough I spotted a sleeping bag that was a part Cars movie merchandise. My excitement knew no bounds, I had to buy it and I did. The entire journey back home I couldn't help but pride myself about my sleeping bag being really cool in comparison to those that my roomies had bought and I did tease them about it. The bubble burst once I got home and opened the packing the sleeping bag was in, only to find that it was the kids size. Darn it!!! Everyone had a good laugh, while I was trying to keep a straight face, like it was alright and I was still excited about it being "The Lightning Mcqueen" sleeping bag. Deep down in my heart, I was cursing myself for not having read the specifications on the packing.
After a few restless nights, I moved to sleeping on the couch in the hall(sleeping bag in tow...I still couldn't separate myself from it :) )
Ok so I had the fancy stuff over the period of my internship.
Fast forward to yesterday, when I bought the most awesome comforter to sleep on. Gosh I just can't get over how cool it is --->

Lots a reasons to be excited about huh!!! I think its gonna be a while before I change this one. But hell, I've said that loads of times before too. Now the realization has dawned on me, that consistency and me do not share anything in common....So expect an update on this one pretty soon.... ;)
THAT!!! my friends was the story of my sleeping bag / comforter predicament......