Thursday, September 23, 2010

Anybody and Everybody - Really? Is that what you want?

Full due credits to the author and success coach - Robin Sharma, for the story below:-

The Tale of Two Fields 

Once, there was a pristine green field that was alive and lush, amidst the extraordinary bloom of Springtime. Next to it happened to sit another field. This one full of weeds, dirt and rough edged stones. A testament to mediocrity. And an acute lack of care.

Through the operation of Nature's laws, the seeds of the weeds from the mediocre field were slowly blown over to the lush field. And so, day by day, the once stunningly beautiful one - with once awesome potential - succumbed to the influence of it's low-grade next door neighbor.

Before the season was through, there sat two fields. Both completely overcome by weeds. 

The leadership lesson for you and I (in this world that aches for real leaders): your influences and environments matter. The people you associate with will infect your thinking. The content of what you read/watch/listen to will affect your game. And the things you surround yourself with will determine whether you work at wow. Or end up at a field called mediocre.
With the experiences I've had thus far in my life, there has been a significant change in my attitude and personality with gaining the understanding that "it is not important to be all things to all people, but it is important to be all I can be". One fine day, pondering on the idea expressed in the story above, I felt inspired to write the lines below-->

"It is possible for all living beings to mingle with each other; it does not seem a unique characteristic. The unique part is when we are able to use discernment over abilities. It is important to protect ourselves at all times from negative influences. This is what goes on to eventually determine 'Thought Quality' ~ 'Life Quality'."

But then again, there is a need to mention - the desire for life experiences and ways to attain them is subjective to every individual.