Saturday, June 16, 2012

Somethings to Say to Inspire

Somethings to Say to Children.

  • I love you!  There is nothing that will make me stop loving you.  Nothing you could do or say or think will ever change that.
  • You are amazing!  I look at you with wonder!  Not just at what you can do, but who you are.  There is no one like you.  No one!
  • It's all right to cry.  People cry for all kinds of reasons: when they are hurt, sad, glad, or worried; when they are angry, afraid, or lonely.  Big people cry too.  I do.
  • You've made a mistake.  That was wrong.  People make mistakes.  I do.  Is it something we can fix?  What can we do?  It's all over.  You can start fresh.  I know you are sorry.  I forgive you.
  • You did the right thing.  That was scary or hard.  Even though it wasn't easy, you did it.  I am proud of you; you should be too.
  • I'm sorry.  Forgive me.  I made a mistake.
  • You can change your mind.  It's good to decide, but it is also fine to change.
  • What a great idea!  You were really thinking!  How did you come up with that?  Tell me more.  Your mind is clever!
  • That was kind.  You did something helpful and thoughtful for that person.  That must make you feel good inside.  Thank you!
  • I have a surprise for you.  It's not your birthday.  It's for no reason at all.  Just a surprise, a little one, but a surprise.
  • I can wait.  We have time.  You don't have to hurry this time.
  • What would you like to do?  It's your turn to pick.  You have great ideas.  It's important to follow your special interests.
  • Tell me about it.  I'd like to hear more.  And then what happened?  I'll listen.
  • I'm right here.  I won't leave without saying good-bye.  I am watching you.  I am listening to you.
  • Please and Thank You.  These are important words.  If I forget to use them, will you remind me?
  • I missed you.  I think about you when we are not together!
  • Just try.  A little bit.  One taste, one step.  You might like it.  Let's see.  I'll help you if you need it.  I think you can do it.
  • I'll help you.  I heard you call me, here I am.  How can I help you?  If we both work together, we can get this done.  I know you can do it by yourself, but I'm glad to help since you asked.
  • What do you wish for?  Even if it's not yet time for birthday candles and we don't have a wishbone, it's still fun to hear about what you wish for, hope for, and dream about. 

Source: Blog "Positive Thoughts

The original blog-post title offers these words as things we can say to children. But we can all know deeply that every single human being is a child at heart. In the right context, sentences like the above can be shared between human beings in any age group I think. My teacher's words serve as quite a fitting conclusion to this shared post.

"Loving speech has the capacity to turn around the heavens. Whether you feel like offering it or not is irrelevant to the difference it can make in a given circumstance."
- Koun Franz