In my thought quest of seeking ways to best understand this dynamic between the learned and the learner, I have drowned in the depths of delusion, having inclined toward a self-centered nature of understanding. But despite the confusion, there was that deep knowing that it's not right and that there needed to be more. What was being experienced were developmental issues, which seems a common experience to human beings. As time progressed, the effort started shifting it's course -- from plainly trying to describe it, to living within the experience as understood best. This approach brought a very different perspective on the nature of this relationship; one that revealed it's serious, responsible, and two-sided nature. In the lines below is my understanding of this dynamic.
It's never, never about the individual or individuals involved. It's about those moments in eternity when thoughts/ideas are expressed, minds impressioned, questions aroused, and confusion clarified. And yes, the transmission goes both directions. It is this pure encounter that shapes the future of humanity.