Friday, October 19, 2012

To those who have passed from this life...

Yes, I feel you'll as angels surrounding us here on this earth. The presence, perhaps, could be in the warmth of a sunny day, or the sudden winter chill that runs down the spine. It's indescribable, you know. Maybe it's to be felt in the sounds of birds chirping, or in the giggles of little boys and girls. It could even be in the peace that enters the heart on reading a letter from a loved one. It's hard to pick one single thing and say, "Oh! here is where or this is how we connect in spirit." It doesn't feel wholesome that way. Guess it's best left as an open mystery, with a request for signs of the presence of those gone before us in the purest of human experiences.

How can you say you're not with me when in truth you're always in my heart?